To understand the seriousness of heart disease in women, we need to first see the facts. According to the latest research, it was found that more than 8 million American women today live with some form of heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the main cause of death of American women and more women than men who die heart disease every year.
Heart disease in women can be diagnosed and treated but the key to staying healthy is prevention. Once a woman knows that she suffers from heart disease, maybe it’s too late. The possibility is that the woman has been involved in several risk factors throughout her life that contributed to Him who contracted illness. Such risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease in women including smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, inactivity, diabetes and obesity.
Women need to understand that these risk factors need to be avoided as much as possible because they are so susceptible to disease. Heart disease in women does not need to be an epidemic that has occurred. With only a few lifestyle changes, all women can once again live long and healthy without the risk of heart disease.
Of course, there are other risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease in women who cannot be helped. These risk factors include age, heredity, menopause, etc. By knowing this, women must arm themselves with as much information as possible so they can find out what they are facing.
Heart disease in women does not need to have a high moral level.
By adopting some lifestyle changes such as getting more practice, eating properly, stop smoking and reduce stress levels, women can drastically reduce the tendency of heart disease. This is important not only for heart disease but also for other diseases.
Heart disease in women does claim many of their lives and every year but this disease can be managed and can be prevented. Women need to learn and learn as much as they can. They need to be educated. Not many women know that they have a high probability to get disease. All women need to know that they have a greater risk of getting sickness than men. By understanding and knowing this, women will have steps in this terrible disease and, maybe one day, heart disease in women will be something from the past.